We focus on children's needs for warm, nurturing relationships with their parents -- and on parents' experiences and feelings as they take the time to meet their children's needs.
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Transitions big and small - June 2024 newsletter
What feelings do you experience in the midst of a transition (big or small)? How can play help?
Campaign for Inclusive Family Policies
First introduced in 2003, the Campaign for Inclusive Family Policies aims to establish this fundamental principle: family policy must equitably include all fam
Wikipedia article on Stay-at-Home Mother
Family and Home Network discovered that the Wikipedia page for “Stay at Home Mother” redirected to “Housewife” and set out to change it.
How do we live together?
Micah L. Sifry brings help and hope in his Substack The Connector, writing about a grassroots organization of people, Jewish, Palestinian and Arab, who have been working together for years to build a shared future: Standing Together.
Family Policies for ALL
The pandemic exposed our essential need for caregiving; ignoring or misrepresenting its lessons would be a grave mistake. We need inclusive family policies.
Federal legislation - $$ for unpaid caregivers
Family and Home Network has long advocated for policies that recognize and compensate unpaid caregiving. We have endorsed a Congressional bill that would relieve the financial stress on our nation's most vulnerable families - and increase parents' choices about how to provide care for their children. Easing the financial stress on families is a very powerful way to help parents and children!
Stress & Resilience - Watch & Discuss Together
With a focus on the current COVID-19 pandemic, trauma expert Dr. Bruce D. Perry has made a series of short (20 min) videos. He explains stress, distress and how the pattern of stress can determine whether stress is destructive (sensitizing) or positive (resilience building).