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May 25, 2002

Teens - Provide and Advocate


This article is the last of a five-part series designed to share parents' experiences with raising teenagers. Our articles follow the outline of a study headed by A. Rae Simpson, Ph.D., at the Center for Health Communication, Harvard School of Public Health.* Dr. Simpson’s report analyzed a broad range of recent research on teens. It provides a list of the developmental tasks of adolescents, as well as an outline of the five basics of parenting teens. These basics are: 1) love and connect, 2) monitor and observe, 3) guide and limit, 4) model and consult, and 5) provide and advocate.

April 25, 2002

Model and Consult


Teens must have ever increasing opportunities to practice reasoning and decision making: “In order to strengthen their decision-making skills, teens need environments that present neither too little nor too great a level of challenge--neither an overprotective environment that presents too few opportunities for learning from mistakes and coming up against problems nor an overwhelming environment that presents too few opportunities for trying out new coping strategies and experiencing successes.”

March 25, 2002

Teens - Guide and Limit


    This is the third in a series of articles in which parents of teens share their experiences. The series follows the outline of five basics of parenting adolescents presented in a recent study from the Harvard University Center for Health Communication: (1) love and connect, 2) monitor and observe, 3) guide and limit, 4) model and consult, and 5) provide and advocate. The study is available free online: "Raising Teens: A Synthesis of Research and a Foundation for Action," by A. Rae Simpson, Ph.D.,

February 25, 2002

Teens - Monitor and Observe


This is the second in a series designed to share parents' experiences with raising teenagers. A study from the Harvard University Center for Health Communication - "Raising Teens: A Synthesis of Research and a Foundation for Action," by A. Rae Simpson, Ph.D., - outlined five basics of parenting teens, and in this article we’re addressing the second “basic ”-- monitor and observe.

January 13, 2002

Raising Teens


Do you ever read parenting advice from experts and wonder how to actually put the recommendations to use in real life? Here is a collection of parents' narratives about their experience raising teens.

October 4, 2001

Motherhood and Advocacy, Complementary Roles


Less than 20 miles from Washington, DC, there are 6600 acres of protected lands on the Mason Neck peninsula along the Potomac River. This beautiful land, an important nesting site for bald eagles, herons, and many other animals, was almost lost to suburban sprawl.

September 26, 2000

Affordability Survey


A survey on affordability, report on the results and a resource list. 

November 4, 1998

Gift-Giving: You Won't Find This in a Store


We asked some of our staff and volunteers to share their ideas on gift-giving

October 4, 1998

Invisible Civil Servants


An unexpected thing happened when I put my son on the school bus for the first time.