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April 18, 2003

Learning from a Difficult Child


An experienced mom is surprised by the intensity of her third son's energy, impulsiveness and feelings - she explains how and what she learned over the years.  

October 4, 2002

Table Talk


Talk may be cheap...

July 28, 2002

ADHD: Something is out of Whack


Sue Parry recounts her struggle to understand her sons' experiences in school and the high rate of ADHD diagnoses in her community. 

July 1, 2002

Not An Interloper


House-husband. Primary caregiver. At-home parent. Full-time dad. All these terms are descriptive, but I usually describe myself as an at-home dad.

May 25, 2002

Teens - Provide and Advocate


This article is the last of a five-part series designed to share parents' 

April 25, 2002

Model and Consult


Teens must have ever increasing opportunities to practice reasoning and decision making: “In order to strengthen their decision-making skills, teens need environments that prese

March 25, 2002

Teens - Guide and Limit


    This is the third in a series of articles in which parents of teens share the

February 25, 2002

Teens - Monitor and Observe


This is the second in a series designed to share parents' experiences with raisin

January 25, 2002

Teens - Love and Connect


What do you think when you hear the word “teenager”?

January 13, 2002

Raising Teens


Do you ever read parenting advice from experts and wonder how to actually put the recommendations to use in real life?

October 4, 2001

Motherhood and Advocacy, Complementary Roles


Less than 20 miles from Washington, DC, there are 6600 acres of protected lands on the Mason Neck peninsula along the Potomac River.

June 1, 2001

Stealing Home


In the beginning, he was nervous and unsure -- afraid of making a mistake. The brand-new gym shorts and T-shirt bore no telltale signs of an athlete.