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Becoming a Member of the Board of Family and Home Network

Family and Home Network

Info for potential Board members

We have a wonderful volunteer Board of Directors, many have served for years. The Board is responsible for oversight of the organization and as the Executive Director, I report to the Board. We work closely to set goals and adopt a budget.

We ask Board members to spend about 4 hours/month on the organization and we rely on guidance from the Nonprofit Leadership Lab on best practices. We’re working on some areas to be strengthened—always a work in progress, since the organization was founded in 1984!

We’re aiming to find some new Board members; we think a cohort of two or three new members could get to know the organization and each other together. We currently have 5 Board members, we can have up to 9 members.

New members are invited by the current Board; as Executive Director I am helping with the search and the logistics of offering information and communication. 

Here is how the search for potential Board members works. It starts with time for us to get to know each other (you and me and current Board members). And this is the time for you to learn more about what being a Board member entails and then let us know whether you’re still interested. The current Board members are responsible for getting to know candidates and for issuing a formal invitation to join the Board.


  1. Indicate your interest and share some basic information about yourself by email:
  2. Review the materials I send by return email (our “Reading Packet for Potential Board Members”).
  3. Write a brief introduction of yourself for the Board.
  4. Attend an informal Zoom meeting so you can chat with me and a couple of current Board members.
  5. After the Zoom chat, I’ll check in with you to see if you’d like to become a candidate for membership on the Board.
  6. Current Board members vote on inviting new members to join the Board; new members serve a one-year term. Subsequent terms are 1, 2, or 3-year terms.

Here is our Vision and Mission.

Here are bios of our current Board and Staff, and here is a timeline of the organization’s history.

Questions? Please contact me, Catherine Myers –

Thank you!