What feelings do you experience in the midst of a transition (big or small)? How can play help? And where can we find hope for a transition to a more nurturing, peaceful world?
As our organization celebrates our 40th Anniversary, I find myself reflecting on the ways in which my understanding of our mission has deepened over the decades. And with news of so much violence and tragedy around the world, I have to remind myself of the significance of our efforts. For this, I return to the words of renowned pediatricians Drs. T.Berry Brazelton and Stanley I. Greenspan, from their book The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must Have to Grow, Learn and Flourish.
Family and Home Network is a grassroots national nonprofit organization focused on the needs of parents and children to spend generous amounts of time together.
Press Release: Family and Home Network calls for family policies that help all families regardless of how they earn a living or care for their families.