The Essence Of Mothering
Motherhood has always raised more questions in my mind than it has answered.
Time and Freedom
Catherine Myers reflects on her children's early years and the decision she and her husband made to try preschool and then to drop out, raising their children without school thr
The Road Less Traveled
Robin Rice reflects: "...I desperately want to have a life that, in the end at least, 'made all the difference.' A life as big and as grand as my personal potential would allow.
I wondered if I was cut out for motherhood, a role that seemed to demand so much that was foreign to me.
Fostering Appreciation in Children
Appreciation. Everybody craves it but often we treat it as a scarce commodity, hoarding it to ourselves.
What About You?
Raising children is not an evasion of the realities of the adult world; neither is it an indulgent exercise in ego gratification.
Keeping House
My mother was a good mother, but she didn’t really believe in keeping house.
Am I the Manager or the Maid?
When I was a child, I didn’t know anyone who wanted to be a maid when she grew up.
The Bad Days
In the not-so-distant past, even mothers who were unable to hire help or did not have family living nearby were usually able to take a cheap, easy break called "Go outside and p
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