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Affect Autism - founded by parents "to help caregivers have access to an approach that can make their lives with their autistic children more joyful and meaningful for both their children and themselves." Advocating for the Developmental, Individual differences, Relationship-based (DIR®) Approach for Children with Developmental Challenges.

Celebrate Calm - Kirk Martin learned the hard way that his anxiety and anger were destroying his relationships with his family. Searching for a better way, Kirk worked hard to change his behavior and he repaired his own relationships. He has spent years working with thousands of families. Kirk and his son Casey offer help to parents and children through audio CDs, presentations to school and church groups and online via their website and email newsletters.

Child Mind Institute - "an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders."

Common Sense Media - reviews on all sorts of media for families. The "Parents Need to Know" section has explanations of popular video games, articles about screen time, phones, privacy - all sorts of issues.

Diary of a Mom - Jess Wilson writes about her family, including her autistic daughter. She advocates for listening to everyone about their own lives and experiences and for embracing neurodiversity. Through her stories of everyday moments, we can all learn about parenting and life! She offers many resources on her website. A good example of her thoughtful approach to the "little things" there is this, on allowing a child to have a phone - with a contract: Phone Home. And for a big picture reflection on "messy, brave, loud, divine, revolutionary love" see The Divinity of Love.

Hand-in-Hand Parenting - The mission of Hand-in-Hand Parenting is to support parents with the insights, skills and tools necessary to build the meaningful connections that parents and children need to thrive. They offer great information and support! Lots of free information and social media sites to connect with other parents using their tools to connect.

Janet Lansbury: Elevating Child Care - As a new mother, Janet learned how to respect her infant's capabilities and need to initiate actions and be informed about what was going to happen. Janet shares her knowledge and experience about infants, toddlers, children - and their parents - on her website, social media, podcasts and blog. 

Latinx Parenting - "a bilingual organization rooted in children's rights, social and racial justice and antiracism, the individual and collective practice of nonviolence and reparenting, intergenerational and ancestral healing, cultural sustenance, and the active decolonization of oppressive practices in our families." Offerings include workshops, coaching, support circles and more. 

National Parenting Helpline - A free resource for all parents - National Parenting Helpline. 

Parent Coaching Institute - A nonprofit organization that trains coaches to work with parents one-on-one. 

Parenting for Liberation - Founded by Trina Greene Brown, this is "a virtual community that connects, inspires, and uplifts Black folks as they navigate and negotiate raising Black children within the social and political context of the US." Trina hosts a podcast she describes as "a mix of kitchen counter, living room couch style conversations." Powerful ideas emerge, and Trina skillfully weaves parents' stories into her new book, Parenting for Liberation: "Speaking directly to parents raising Black children in a world of racialized violence, this guidebook combines powerful storytelling with practical exercises, encouraging readers to imagine methods of parenting rooted in liberation rather than fear." White readers can gain empathy and understanding of the challenges facing Black parents as well as great insights on parent/child relationships and community. Trina Greene Brown writes with a generous, open spirit and invites readers to participate in learning and joy.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids - "a drug abuse prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery resource, existing to help parents and caregivers effectively address alcohol and drug abuse with their teens and young adults."

Raising Teens - From the Harvard School of Public Health, Center for Health Communication, this free report identifies 5 basics for parents: Love and Connect - Monitor and Observe - Guide and Limit - Model and Consult - Provide and Advocate. Written by A. Rae Simpson, Ph.D., the report cites widespread agreement among researchers that parental relationships are key to healthy teen development. See how FAHN illustrated each of the "5 basics" with parent narratives - Parents' Narratives on Raising Teens.

The Thoughtful Parent - Amy Webb, PhD, offers research-based information for parents. "Parenting with confidence comes from knowledge. Parenting with grace comes from insight."

Watch Out for Childen: A Mothers' Statement to Advertisers - "For us, our children are priceless gifts. For you, our children are customers, and childhood is a “market segment” to be exploited. We are alarmed by the mounting evidence,including our own experiences, showing that marketing to children is harming them."

With Understanding Comes Calm - Julie Skolnick, MA, JD, helps children and adults who are twice exceptional (2e) - gifted with learning differences or neurodiverse. Julie says, "My strengths-based approach toward calm and capable uses a three-step process: understanding behavior, attitudes and feelings; implementing strategies for success; and creating supportive partnerships."

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