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April 4, 2020

Parenting through Tough Times


Robbyn Peters Bennett moderates a warm, supportive and informative conversation about parenting through these tough times.

Parent Support Groups


A listing of parent support groups.

Parent Groups

Newborns: what are they telling us?


HUG Your Baby's mission: Based on child development, lactation and pediatric literature, HUG Your Baby’s trainings and resources help parents (and the professionals who care for them) understand a baby’s body language in order to prevent and solve problems around eating, sleeping, crying, and parent-child interaction and bonding.

Resource link
June 5, 2013

The Power of Emotional and Social Competencies


Emotions are not just a personal issue. A person’s emotional development has effects on how well they function in social situations. Mothers’ and fathers’ emotions and behavior deeply influence their child's emotional and social development. 

March 25, 2002

Teens - Guide and Limit


    This is the third in a series of articles in which parents of teens share their experiences. The series follows the outline of five basics of parenting adolescents presented in a recent study from the Harvard University Center for Health Communication: (1) love and connect, 2) monitor and observe, 3) guide and limit, 4) model and consult, and 5) provide and advocate. The study is available free online: "Raising Teens: A Synthesis of Research and a Foundation for Action," by A. Rae Simpson, Ph.D.,

January 13, 2002

Raising Teens


Do you ever read parenting advice from experts and wonder how to actually put the recommendations to use in real life? Here is a collection of parents' narratives about their experience raising teens.