Call on members of Congress to make policies for all families! Use our online advocacy form to contact your Senators and Representatives.
The following Resolution can be downloaded (see link below).
Resolution on Inclusive Policies for ALL Care
WHEREAS, All caregiving has value, whether provided by paid professionals or by unpaid family members or friends;
WHEREAS, All caregivers are engaged in the same essential work;
WHEREAS, Reliable data shows that parents care for their children in diverse ways and a majority of parents of young children prefer to provide care themselves or share caregiving with their spouse, other family members, or another trusted person or utilize part-time preschool or part-time paid care; and
WHEREAS, Some people with disabilities as well as some frail elders needing care prefer to have their care provided by family or friends who are willing and able to provide care; and
WHEREAS, Parents, family members and friends incur costs when providing care, including loss of income, missed social security credits, delayed career advancement; and
WHEREAS, Expenses of unpaid caregiving often include extra travel and/or needed changes in housing accommodations; and
WHEREAS, Flexibility and choice in care is critically important to many families, including those with young children, those whose children have special needs, those who live in rural areas or those parents and caregivers who labor nonstandard hours required by workplaces such as hospitals, hospitality industry, emergency services, and others; and
WHEREAS, Policies crafted to support all care will offer flexibility, choice and equity; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That ______________________________________________ calls for inclusive care policies which support all care, whether provided by professionals or by parents, family members or friends.
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Title (if signing for an organization, governing body, business)
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